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Biden and Xi to Speak Amid U.S.-China Diplomatic Efforts

U.S. President Joe Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping plan to talk soon. This follows U.S. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan's visit to Beijing, his first as advisor. Sullivan met with China's Foreign Minister Wang Yi.

Both nations agreed on military talks and are planning AI discussions. John Podesta, a climate policy advisor, will also visit China.

Despite these talks, tensions remain over tech restrictions, Taiwan, the South China Sea, and Ukraine.

Biden, not seeking re-election, will pass the nomination to Vice President Kamala Harris. Her advisor, Phil Gordon, highlighted the broader "China challenge," emphasizing the need to limit Beijing's technological and military advancements.

Sullivan's trip marks the first by a U.S. national security advisor since 2016. The visit aims to ease strained relations, impacted by previous incidents like the "balloon incident" and former Speaker Nancy Pelosi's Taiwan visit.

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