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David Rush Sets 181 Guinness World Records, Promoting STEM Education

David Rush Sets 181 Guinness World Records, Promoting STEM Education

David Rush, 39, from Boise, Idaho, holds 181 Guinness World Records. His drive stems from a childhood where he often trailed his older brothers in sports. A pivotal win in a swimming race sparked his competitive spirit.

Rush, an MIT graduate, left the tech industry for motivational speaking. He aimed to highlight STEM education by breaking records. His first, in 2015, was juggling blindfolded for six-and-a-half minutes. He's since extended this to over an hour.

His records vary widely, from catching marshmallows to balancing toilet paper rolls. Each feat is verified by Guinness representatives or through videos and witnesses.

In January, Rush broke 55 vinyl records in 30 seconds, securing his 181st title. He surpasses Italy's Silvio Sabba, who held 180. Rush acknowledges the fluid nature of his records but remains committed to his goal.

He views these challenges not as trivial pursuits but as meaningful endeavors. His message: with determination and passion, one can achieve anything.

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