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Young Couples Embrace Tea Brands in Weddings

Young Couples Embrace Tea Brands in Weddings

The milk tea craze has swept through wedding venues. Newlyweds from the 95s and 00s generations are opting for "tea instead of alcohol," making brands like Heytea and Tea Legend the new darlings of wedding banquets. Wedding planner Xiao Cheng reveals that the demand for milk tea has surged, with its presence visible in reception areas and outdoor wedding sites.

On Douyin, a video titled "Milk Tea as Toast at Weddings" has garnered 430,000 likes and 270,000 shares. Heytea and Tea Legend, with their auspicious "small red cups," have become enhancers of wedding ambiance. Netizens have even joked about期待蜜雪冰城, hoping for its involvement in wedding performances.

How do tea beverage brands seize the wedding market? Heytea and Tea Legend have introduced group meal services, allowing for easy and efficient one-click ordering. Their product range is rich, catering to the needs of all age groups, and offers discounts for orders of 20 cups or more.

Wedding milk tea is not just a drink but also a creator of romantic atmosphere, easily triggering secondary dissemination. Brands like Heytea enhance interaction and experience through collaborations and custom gift boxes.

Milk tea is permeating more life scenarios, from the start of the school year to graduation, from family reunions on New Year's Eve to birthday parties, it's everywhere. Tea beverage brands need to deeply integrate into users' lives, accompany them long-term, to ensure enduring success.

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