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NASA's Lunar Space Station Gateway: Powered by Advanced Solar Technology

NASA's Lunar Space Station Gateway: Powered by Advanced Solar TechnologyNASA's Lunar Space Station Gateway: Powered by Advanced Solar TechnologyNASA's Lunar Space Station Gateway: Powered by Advanced Solar TechnologyNASA's Lunar Space Station Gateway: Powered by Advanced Solar Technology

NASA's "Gateway" is set to be the first lunar space station, powered by cutting-edge solar technology. This station will use the largest solar arrays ever, roughly the size of a football field end zone, to harness solar energy for deep space exploration.

The "Gateway" is a key component of NASA's Artemis missions, aiming to return humans to the lunar surface and pave the way for the first manned mission to Mars. The station's "Power and Propulsion Element" (PPE) will use advanced electric propulsion, similar to systems used in previous missions like "Psyche" and "DART," to maintain its lunar orbit and facilitate communication between the lunar surface, the station, and Earth.

Engineers at Maxar Space Systems in Palo Alto, California, are assembling the PPE, which includes a system to ionize xenon gas for propulsion. This technology will keep "Gateway" in orbit and enable it to expand with additional living and working spaces for international astronauts.

"Gateway" will also serve as a base for exploring the Moon's South Pole, a region rich in scientific potential. International astronauts stationed at "Gateway" will be the first humans to live and work in deep space, marking a significant step in human space exploration.

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