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California Passes AI Safety Bill with 'Kill Switch' Mandate

California's Senate and Assembly have passed SB-1047, an AI safety bill. It mandates a "kill switch" for large AI models, to halt them if they pose new safety threats with minimal human oversight. The bill now awaits Governor Newsom's signature by September 30.

Critics argue the bill targets speculative future risks rather than current issues like deep fakes or misinformation. Supporters, including AI pioneers Geoffrey Hinton and Yoshua Bengio, see it as essential for consumer protection, likening AI regulation to pharmaceuticals and aerospace.

Stanford's Fei-Fei Li and a group of business leaders oppose the bill, fearing it could stifle open-source collaboration and academic research. They urge Newsom to veto it, labeling it "fundamentally flawed."

Newsom is cautious, concerned about over-regulation but mindful of AI industry leaders calling for help. His decision will shape California's approach to AI safety and innovation.

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