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Meituan's Group Food Orders Drive Double-Digit Growth

Meituan's Group Food Orders Drive Double-Digit Growth

BEIJING — Meituan, China's food delivery giant, is thriving amid economic uncertainty. Its group ordering feature, Pin Hao Fan, slashes prices by bundling orders. This strategy drove a 14% surge in deliveries and a 21% jump in overall sales in the second quarter of 2024.

Pin Hao Fan groups customers near each other, offering steep discounts. A Beijing fried rice set, for instance, costs 16 yuan through the service, about half the individual price. Meituan's algorithms optimize delivery routes and staff allocation, crucial for the fast-paced food delivery sector.

The service, used 8 million times daily, plans expansion into smaller cities with more price-sensitive consumers. Analysts predict Pin Hao Fan could boost Meituan's profits by up to 60% by 2025.

Despite success, Meituan faces challenges. Delivery workers, paid per order, see limited benefits from group orders. Low wages and long hours remain contentious issues. Additionally, the company has faced fines and criticism for high fees and anti-competitive practices.

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