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NASA's Europa Clipper Mission to Explore Jupiter's Ocean Moon

NASA's Europa Clipper, the largest spacecraft ever built for a planetary mission, is set to launch in October. Its destination: Europa, a moon of Jupiter, 480 million miles away. Europa's icy surface hides an ocean, possibly twice the volume of Earth's seas.

The spacecraft, equipped with massive solar array wings, will extend over 110 feet in space. These panels are crucial; Jupiter's orbit receives only 3-4% of Earth's sunlight. Despite earlier concerns about radiation affecting the mission, recent tests confirm the spacecraft's transistors can handle the conditions.

Europa Clipper will orbit Jupiter, making nearly 50 flybys of Europa between 2031 and 2034. It carries a suite of instruments, including cameras and ground-penetrating radar, to study the moon's ice and potential subsurface water.

The mission aims to uncover whether Europa's ocean hosts conditions suitable for life. A follow-up mission, Europa Lander, could drill into the ice for deeper exploration.

Launch opportunities begin October 10, 2024. The spacecraft will reach Jupiter in 2030, promising unprecedented insights into this enigmatic moon.

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