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A research couple from Shanghai Jiao Tong University published a study on graphene superconductivity in Nature.
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Associate professors Li Tingxin and Liu Xiaoxue, a scientific couple from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, have jointly published a paper in the journal Nature. They have observed, for the first time, an electron-doped superconducting state in a heterostructure of single-crystal bilayer graphene and two-dimensional semiconductors.
Li Tingxin specializes in two-dimensional layered semiconductors, while Liu Xiaoxue is adept in graphene superconductivity. By combining their expertise, they have broken through traditional research boundaries. Through optimizing the sample preparation method, they have pushed the electric field limit to 1.6V/nm, achieving high-quality graphene samples.
This research has discovered a superconducting state at the electron end of single-crystal graphene, whereas only two global research groups had previously found a superconducting state at the hole end. The findings of Li Tingxin and Liu Xiaoxue provide a new perspective for understanding the superconducting mechanism in graphene systems.
During the research process, they faced the challenge of equipment embargoes, being unable to purchase the necessary dilution refrigerators. Nevertheless, they persisted with their research and ultimately achieved a breakthrough.
This achievement not only showcases the harmony and perseverance of the scientific couple but also opens up a new field in graphene superconductivity research.
Scores | Value | Explanation |
Objectivity | 7 | 内容客观,全面报道科研成果,深入分析。 |
Social Impact | 4 | 引发科研领域的广泛讨论,影响学术界。 |
Credibility | 7 | 研究成果发表于《自然》,具有高度可信度。 |
Potential | 6 | 研究成果可能引发石墨烯应用的重大变革。 |
Practicality | 5 | 研究成果具有实际应用价值,可推动技术发展。 |
Entertainment Value | 2 | 内容偏向科研,娱乐性较低。 |