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NASA Discovers Third Global Energy Field: Implications for Atmospheric Science

NASA Discovers Third Global Energy Field: Implications for Atmospheric Science

NASA's "Endurance" rocket mission confirmed the existence of a global electric field, dubbed the "bipolar field," crucial to Earth's atmospheric dynamics. This field, theorized 60 years ago, influences how particles escape our atmosphere.

The bipolar field begins at about 150 miles above Earth, where sunlight splits atoms into electrons and ions. These charged particles interact, creating a field that counters gravity, lifting some particles into space. This process, known as the "polar wind," was observed but not fully understood until now.

"Endurance" measured this field from 477 miles up, finding it weak but potent enough to boost particles into space, particularly hydrogen ions. This effect extends the height and density of the ionosphere, a layer of our upper atmosphere.

Understanding this field not only deepens our knowledge of Earth's atmosphere but also aids in assessing the habitability of other planets. The bipolar field, being a natural outcome of atmospheric processes, is likely present on other planets like Venus and Mars.

This discovery opens new avenues for planetary science, revealing how fundamental forces shape atmospheres across the cosmos.

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