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The United Nations calls for global action to address the famine crisis in Sudan.

The United Nations calls for global action to address the famine crisis in Sudan.The United Nations calls for global action to address the famine crisis in Sudan.The United Nations calls for global action to address the famine crisis in Sudan.

Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations, Amina Mohammed, visited Chad and called for global solidarity in addressing the famine, floods, and displacement issues in Sudan. She emphasized that the suffering of the Sudanese people is one of the most severe crises in the world today.

Mohammed announced a $5 million grant from the UN Central Emergency Response Fund to support flood recovery efforts. She discussed with Chadian officials the complex challenges the country faces, including regional dynamics and major risks, and highlighted the urgent need for "global solidarity."

During her visit to Chad, Mohammed observed the newly opened Adre transit point, which she described as a "positive step" in providing lifesaving assistance to Sudan. She stressed the extreme importance of maintaining the transit point's long-term openness to address the massive hunger crisis.

Statistics show that the UN's $2.7 billion fundraising appeal is currently only 41% funded. Sudan's food security experts announced that the war has pushed some areas of North Darfur into famine, with approximately 25.6 million people facing severe hunger, including 755,000 on the brink of famine.

Mohammed met with the President of Sudan and members of the cabinet, emphasizing the need for swift implementation of the Jeddah peace process. She stated that consensus has been reached among parties, with no reason not to move forward. She highlighted that efforts are currently being made to address the legitimate concerns of the Sudanese government and to establish procedures ensuring that aid reaches those in need.

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