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The world's largest underwater shield tunnel, the Huanggang Road Crossing Huang Tunnel in Jinan, has been initiated.

The world's largest underwater shield tunnel, the Huanggang Road Crossing Huang Tunnel in Jinan, has been initiated.The world's largest underwater shield tunnel, the Huanggang Road Crossing Huang Tunnel in Jinan, has been initiated.

Jinan's Huanggang Road Yellow River Crossing Tunnel project has commenced, marking the world's largest underwater shield tunneling endeavor. The tunnel spans 5,755 meters in total, with a critical section of 3,290 meters. It connects to the G309 interchange, bridging both sides of the Yellow River.

The "Mountain River" shield machine, with a diameter of 17.5 meters, is equipped with cutting-edge technology. The tunnel features a single-bore double-deck structure, with three lanes in each direction, saving space and reducing costs. It has a clear height of 4.2 meters, accommodating special vehicle requirements.

Shield machine: A large mechanical device used for underground tunnel excavation, equipped with a rotating cutterhead for breaking up rock and soil.

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