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Year-Long Anti-Corruption Drive in China's Pharmaceutical Industry

Year-Long Anti-Corruption Drive in China's Pharmaceutical Industry

In the past year, over 30 pharmaceutical executives in China have faced investigation for corruption. The crackdown, initiated by the National Health Commission and nine other departments, has targeted both public and private sectors. Key figures from major companies like Guangzhou Pharmaceutical Group, Shanghai Pharmaceuticals, and China National Pharmaceutical Group have been implicated.

The investigations reveal a pattern of misconduct, including bribery and embezzlement, often linked to high sales expenses and improper practices in academic promotions. Notable cases include the former chairman of Guangzhou Pharmaceutical Group, Li Chuyan, and the ex-chairman of Shanghai Pharmaceuticals, Zhou Jun, both accused of serious violations.

Additionally, several healthcare company CEOs have been detained under suspicion of corruption or other illegal activities. These include Zhou Wei, the chairman of Weining Health, and Su Qingcan, the head of Huaxia Eye Hospital Group.

This widespread scrutiny underscores a significant shift in China's approach to corporate governance and ethical standards within the pharmaceutical industry. The focus on top executives suggests a move towards greater accountability and transparency.

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