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Deepfakes Threaten Japan's Security Amid AI Advancements

Deepfakes Threaten Japan's Security Amid AI Advancements

Deepfakes, manipulated media using AI, have surged in Japan. Cases jumped 28 times last year. Scams rose 243% in the first quarter.

Japan, once shielded by its complex language, now faces a flood of fraud. Generative AI crafts convincing Japanese media, breaking down the language barrier.

Financial scams, often international, exploit AI's ability to mimic native fluency. A UK firm lost $25.6 million to a deepfake video call.

Japan's National Institute of Informatics fights back with detection tools. A new program spots deepfake audio, crucial for preventing voice scams.

The threat is real. As AI sophistication grows, so does the risk. Protective measures are essential. The battle against deepfakes is on.

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