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Trial Begins for Man Accused of Enlisting Strangers to Rape Drugged Wife

Trial Begins for Man Accused of Enlisting Strangers to Rape Drugged Wife

Dominique P, 71, faces trial in Avignon for drugging his wife and orchestrating her rape by over 80 strangers for nearly a decade. Fifty men, including professionals like a journalist and a firefighter, are co-accused.

P allegedly crushed sleeping pills and anti-anxiety meds into his wife’s food or wine. He recruited men from an online chatroom obsessed with non-consensual sex. Instructions were clear: no scents, no smoke, leave if she moved.

Arrested in 2020 after filming women in a supermarket, police found a USB drive labeled “abuses” with 20,000 images and videos of the assaults. P confessed to drugging, offering, and filming his wife.

The victim, drugged to near-coma, had no memory of the rapes. She believed she had an undiagnosed illness, with her husband blaming her symptoms on fatigue. Her children suspected Alzheimer’s.

P is also linked to a 1991 Paris murder of a 23-year-old woman, where DNA evidence matches his profile. The trial, expected to last four months, could sentence P and the co-defendants to 20 years in prison.

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