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Exploring Deep-Sea Life for New Antibiotics

Exploring Deep-Sea Life for New Antibiotics

Scientists venture into the depths, exploring frigid oceans for novel antibiotics. Bacteria, akin to cunning adversaries, evade our medications and develop resistance. Physicians urgently combine various treatments to counterattack.

Researchers in Finland and Norway seek more effective strategies. They aim to disrupt bacteria's evasion tactics rather than merely eradicating them. This approach prevents the evolution of superbugs. They discovered compounds in deep-sea organisms—a scallop and a glass sponge—that interfere with E. coli, a harmful bacterium linked to severe diarrhea in children.

These newly identified actinomycetes, prevalent in soil and responsible for 70% of our antibiotics, may yield new tools in the deep sea.

Future efforts include optimizing production and conducting more detailed studies on these compounds. The goal is to discover new methods to control bacteria without triggering the development of defensive mechanisms.

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