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Gamescom's Success Over E3: Adaptability and Innovation in Gaming Events

Gamescom's Success Over E3: Adaptability and Innovation in Gaming Events

Gamescom thrives where E3 faltered. The German event, held in Cologne, outshines rivals by blending industry and public events seamlessly. It adapted swiftly to COVID-19, shifting online while others struggled.

E3's decline began long before the pandemic. Once a powerhouse, it struggled with dwindling interest and exhibitor numbers. By 2017, it was clear E3 was on the decline.

Gamescom, however, combines a massive industry show with a colossal public exhibition. Its Opening Night Live, hosted by Geoff Keighley, draws huge online audiences, peaking at 40 million viewers in 2024.

Tim Endres, Gamescom's director, attributes its success to being a hybrid show—both in-person and online. The event's digital infrastructure, established before the pandemic, allowed for a smooth transition and rapid recovery post-COVID.

Gamescom's resilience and innovation highlight the importance of adaptability in the face of global challenges. Its continued success suggests a bright future for gaming events that embrace change.

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