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Pocket FM: Pioneering AI-Driven Audio Entertainment

Pocket FM, an Indian startup, has carved a niche in global entertainment by focusing on audio content. Founded in 2018 by Rohan Nayak, Prateek Dixit, and Nishanth KS, the platform specializes in serialized audio dramas, attracting a global audience willing to pay for episodic content.

Unlike traditional OTT platforms, Pocket FM leverages AI to personalize and enhance the listening experience. This approach has not only broadened its market reach but also deepened user engagement. The startup's success is underscored by its strategic hires, including Pannagadatta K Shivaswamy from Netflix, indicating a serious push into the entertainment industry.

Pocket FM's model thrives on remote work, reflecting a modern, adaptable business structure. Its focus on audio entertainment, a less saturated market compared to video, positions it as a pioneer in a growing sector. The platform's ability to make entertainment more personal and accessible, fitting into users' pockets, marks a significant shift in how content is consumed globally.

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