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South Korea Enhances EV Battery Safety Standards Amid Recent Fires

South Korea Enhances EV Battery Safety Standards Amid Recent Fires

South Korea is tightening electric vehicle (EV) battery safety standards following recent fires that have sparked public concern. A Mercedes-Benz EV battery exploded in a Seoul garage in August, forcing hundreds to evacuate. In June, a fire at a lithium battery plant killed 23 workers.

Bang Ki-sun, the government's policy coordinator, announced new measures to prevent such incidents. EV manufacturers must now disclose battery suppliers and materials. A certification system for battery safety will begin in October.

The government is urging EV manufacturers to install battery monitoring systems. It is also promoting the use of solid-state batteries, which are considered safer than lithium-ion cells. To prevent overcharging fires, South Korea aims to increase the number of digital-controlled chargers from 20,000 in 2024 to 91,000 by 2025.

Firefighting efforts are also being enhanced. Parking garages will receive more sprinklers, fire alarms, and fire-retardant covers. The government plans to develop driverless fire trucks using military technology.

South Korea, home to EV giants like Hyundai and LG Energy, views the industry as crucial for economic growth. These new regulations aim to protect both the industry and public safety.

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