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The 2024 China-Africa Cooperation Forum Summit concludes: China-Africa relations elevated to a new era of all-weather community with a shared future.

The 2024 China-Africa Cooperation Forum Summit concluded in Beijing after a three-day session, with leaders from over 50 African countries in attendance. Chinese and African leaders unanimously agreed to elevate China-Africa relations to a "new era of all-weather China-Africa community with a shared future." Since the establishment of the forum in 1999, China-Africa relations have evolved from a "new type of partnership" to a "comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership."

President Xi Jinping emphasized at the opening ceremony that China-Africa relations are at their best historical moment. UN Secretary-General António Guterres hailed China-Africa relations as a driver of South-South cooperation, highlighting the vitality of African economies and the potential of Chinese support.

The summit adopted two important documents: the "Beijing Declaration on Building a New Era of All-Weather China-Africa Community with a Shared Future" and the "Beijing Action Plan for China-Africa Cooperation Forum (2025-2027)." President Xi announced that China will provide 360 billion RMB in support for China-Africa cooperation over the next three years, including 210 billion RMB in credit and 80 billion RMB in various forms of aid.

During the summit, President Xi held bilateral talks with several African leaders, elevating bilateral relations with multiple countries to strategic partnership or comprehensive strategic partnership levels.

Four high-level meetings focused on the four topics of "governance," "industrialization and agricultural modernization," "peace and security," and "high-quality joint construction of the Belt and Road," reflecting the common concerns of China and Africa regarding modernization.

China-Africa cooperation has achieved significant results in agriculture, peace, and security. Hybrid rice technology has helped increase rice production in several African countries, alleviating food shortages. China and Africa are jointly advancing the modernization of peace and security, contributing to world peace and development.

The summit yielded abundant results, and the prospects for China-Africa cooperation are vast.

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