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Australian Government Plans to Set Minimum Age for Social Media Access

Australian Government Plans to Set Minimum Age for Social Media Access

The Albanese government plans to set a minimum age for social media and gaming access, with legislation to be introduced before the next election. The exact age remains unspecified, pending the conclusion of an age-verification trial.

Prime Minister Albanese emphasized the rapid pace of technology, acknowledging the government's limitations in protecting children from all threats. He highlighted parental concerns, noting that no previous generation faced this challenge.

A report by former High Court Chief Justice Robert French outlines a legislative framework for a minimum age, with South Australian Premier Peter Malinauskas favoring 14. The federal age could be higher. The draft bill requires parental consent for children aged 14 or 15 and imposes obligations on platforms to prevent underage access.

Malinauskas compared early social media access to harmful products like cigarettes and alcohol, urging government action. Victorian Premier Jacinta Allen also plans to restrict children's access, targeting tech companies for accountability.

National cabinet discussed these issues, with uncertainty over state legislation. An age-verification trial, aimed at preventing underage access to pornography and social media, enters its final phase. Communications Minister Michelle Rowland stressed the importance of platforms contributing to age-appropriate internet use.

Albanese reassured parents, promising action. Opposition leader Peter Dutton supports a 16-year minimum age, pledging implementation within 100 days if elected.

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