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China will include key emission-intensive industries such as steel into the national carbon market.
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The Ministry of Ecology and Environment announced that key emission industries such as steel will be included in the national carbon market. This move aims to accelerate green and low-carbon development, improve the construction of the carbon market, and promote global climate governance. China plans to optimize its industrial and energy structures, promote the development of the environmental protection industry, and strengthen international cooperation. The national carbon emission trading market has been operating smoothly, with cumulative trading volume reaching 365 million tons.
Carbon Market: Refers to a trading system that uses market mechanisms to control and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Scores | Value | Explanation |
Objectivity | 6 | 内容非常客观,全面报道和深入分析。 |
Social Impact | 5 | 内容引发广泛社会讨论,显著影响公众意见。 |
Credibility | 5 | 内容完全可信,权威来源,证据充分。 |
Potential | 6 | 内容具有极高潜力,几乎必然导致重大变化或事件。 |
Practicality | 5 | 内容极其实用,已在实践中广泛应用并取得良好效果。 |
Entertainment Value | 1 | 内容枯燥无趣,缺乏吸引力。 |