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Chongqing's Unusual Weather Event Sparks 'Underwear Crisis'

Chongqing's Unusual Weather Event Sparks 'Underwear Crisis'

Chongqing, China, faced an unusual weather event on September 2, 2024. After a heatwave, authorities used cloud-seeding missiles to induce rain. Instead, a sudden windstorm hit, gusting up to 76mph. The storm scattered laundry from high-rise balconies, creating an "underwear crisis."

Videos of flying pants and bras flooded Douyin and Weibo. Residents joked about emotional damage and romantic encounters. One man, losing his underwear, laughed but vowed to become a lifelong introvert.

Authorities denied the storm was linked to cloud seeding. Zhang Yixuan, Chongqing Weather Modification Office deputy director, called it natural convection. Despite this, the incident cemented a humorous association between bad weather and flying underwear in Chongqing.

Residents now warn each other to secure laundry. A lingerie store employee noted people weren't rushing to replace lost items but expected sales to rise due to the season.

The "underwear crisis" became a viral sensation, with millions viewing and commenting on related hashtags. The event showcased the resilience and humor of Chongqing's residents, turning a bizarre weather incident into a shared, lighthearted memory.

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