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Saline Nasal Spray Found Effective in Reducing Cold Duration in Children

Saline Nasal Spray Found Effective in Reducing Cold Duration in Children

Recent research presented at the European Respiratory Society (ERS) conference in Vienna suggests that a simple saline nasal spray can significantly reduce the duration of common colds in children. The study, led by Dr. Sandeep Ramalingam of the University of Edinburgh, found that children treated with a 2.6% hypertonic saline solution experienced their symptoms for an average of six days, compared to eight days for those receiving standard care.

The study, known as ELVIS-Kids, involved 407 children under six years old. Half were given the saline nasal spray, while the other half received conventional care. The saline group not only recovered faster but also required fewer medications.

The researchers noted that the saline solution helps boost the production of hypochlorous acid in nasal cells, which can inhibit viral replication. This not only shortens the duration of the illness but also reduces its spread within families.

Dr. Steve Cunningham, also from the University of Edinburgh, emphasized the practical benefits: "Shortening the duration of a child's cold means fewer family members get sick, which can help families return to normal activities more quickly."

Alexander Möeller, a pediatrician from the University of Zurich, praised the study, highlighting its potential global impact: "This inexpensive and straightforward intervention could greatly alleviate the health and economic burdens of the most common childhood illness."

The researchers plan to investigate further how saline nasal sprays affect wheezing during colds, as initial results showed a significant reduction in wheezing among treated children.

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