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Giveth: Blockchain Platform for Public Goods Funding

Giveth: Blockchain Platform for Public Goods Funding

Giveth is a blockchain-based platform for funding public goods, launched in 2021. It operates on Ethereum, offering zero fees and direct transfers from donors to projects. Key features include:

  • Zero Fees: No charges for project listing, donations, or withdrawals.
  • Direct Funding: 100% of donations reach the intended project.
  • Rewards: Donors can earn GIV tokens for verified projects.
  • Quadratic Funding (QF): A mechanism that amplifies small donations, favoring projects supported by many.

How It Works:

  1. Passport Verification: Ensures donors are real users, crucial for QF eligibility.
  2. Donation Process:
    • Select a project.
    • Verify Passport if eligible for QF.
    • Choose donation type and amount.
    • Sign with your wallet.

GIVbacks: A unique feature rewarding donors with GIV tokens, usable for governance and staking.

Why It Matters: Giveth democratizes funding, making it easier for public goods to receive support. The QF mechanism ensures that projects benefiting the most people get more funding. This shifts the focus from wealthy donors to community-driven support.

In essence, Giveth is a modern solution to traditional philanthropy, leveraging blockchain for transparency and efficiency.

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