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Hunan Dongkou County Shantytown Renovation Project Fraud Case: 88 Public Officials Held Accountable

Hunan's Dongkou County shantytown renovation project involved fabrication and falsification, with 88 public officials being held accountable. Between 2012 and 2017, the Dongkou County Committee and County Government sought short-term political achievements through illegal decision-making, with public officials from multiple departments colluding with private entrepreneurs to engage in long-term deception, falsely reporting and defrauding national shantytown renovation subsidies.

Former Secretary of the Dongkou County Committee, Ai Fangyi, and 14 other public officials were investigated for suspected duty crimes and placed under retention measures; 74 public officials received party and government disciplinary sanctions. The Shaoyang Municipal Committee and Municipal Government, along with 29 responsible units, were ordered to conduct in-depth inspections and implement rectifications.

Private entrepreneurs Chen Lixin, Xiao Dong, and 9 others were suspected of crimes such as bid rigging and fraud, and have been taken into criminal custody by judicial authorities.

While investigating this case, Hunan Province also launched a province-wide inspection and rectification of similar issues. As of the end of August, the province had uncovered 2,630 problem clues, initiated 1,275 cases, imposed party and government disciplinary sanctions on 889 individuals, transferred 191 to judicial authorities, and recovered or refunded 370 million yuan in illegal and disciplinary funds.

Shantytown Renovation: Refers to the renovation of shantytowns in cities with backward infrastructure and poor living conditions, aimed at improving residents' living standards.

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