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UK to Ban Junk Food Ads to Combat Childhood Obesity

The UK plans to ban online and TV ads for junk food starting October 2025. This aims to curb childhood obesity, affecting over 1 in 5 kids by primary school.

What’s banned? Foods deemed “less healthy” by nutrient analysis and falling into 13 categories:

  • Soft drinks, savory snacks, breakfast cereals
  • Chocolates, sweets, ice cream, cakes
  • Biscuits, morning goods, desserts
  • Yoghurt, pizza, potatoes, ready meals


  • Infant formula, baby food, weight control products
  • Meal replacements, food supplements, medicinal drinks

Previous measures:

  • 2009: Junk food ads restricted during under-16 programs
  • 2016: Soft drink tax reduced sugar content
  • 2022: Calorie labeling in large eateries, supermarket display restrictions

Global context:

  • Norway, Portugal, and the EU consider similar bans.
  • UK’s obesity concerns date back to the 1990s.

Insight: These measures reflect a societal shift towards healthier living. While effective, they must balance public health with economic impacts.

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