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China develops the world's first "Human Hubble Telescope" and 5.0T magnetic resonance imaging scanner.

China has developed the world's first "human Hubble Telescope"—the "Explorer" whole-body PET-CT.

This device can monitor the metabolic distribution of drugs in the human body in real-time, with sensitivity 40 times higher than traditional PET-CT, and a full-body scan takes only 15 to 30 seconds.

Meanwhile, China's independently innovated 5.0T magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanner is the highest field strength device currently used in clinical applications, filling an international gap.

PET-CT: Positron Emission Tomography combined with Computed Tomography, a medical imaging technology.

5.0T MRI: A nuclear magnetic resonance imaging device using a 5.0 Tesla magnetic field strength.

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