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Comedian AG Uses Humor to Advocate for Migrant Rights in Taiwan

Comedian AG Uses Humor to Advocate for Migrant Rights in Taiwan

AG, a Malaysian comedian in Taiwan, uses humor to shed light on the struggles of Southeast Asian migrant workers. His show, "1095, 外来种," tackles the 1095-day limit on migrant work visas and the derogatory term "外来种" (invasive species) used for migrants. Despite not being a typical migrant himself, AG connects with their struggles through personal experiences and observations.

He critiques Taiwan's preference for Westerners over Southeast Asians, highlighting how easily Westerners are accepted compared to the discrimination faced by Southeast Asian workers. AG's comedy addresses stereotypes, police harassment, and systemic issues faced by migrants, such as high recruitment fees and limited legal protections.

The article explores the complexities of migrant labor in Taiwan, including the financial burdens on workers, restrictive policies, and the lack of legal safeguards. It also highlights the challenges faced by female migrants, particularly those in domestic care roles, who are often victims of gender-based violence.

AG's comedy serves as a platform to raise awareness and advocate for migrant rights, with proceeds from his shows donated to the "1095壹零玖伍移民工文化协会," an NGO focused on migrant worker issues. His work underscores the need for systemic change to improve the lives of migrant workers in Taiwan.

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