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Huada Group Launches Nanopore Gene Sequencer, Filling the Gap in High-Throughput Sequencing in China.
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Huada Group has launched two nanopore sequencers: WT02 (Wu Tong) and WY01 (Wu Yue). These devices fill the gap in China's high-throughput nanopore sequencing field.
The CycloneSEQ sequencer boasts four key features: long, fast, small, and accurate. It can identify over a hundred pathogens and complete single-bacterial assemblies for thousands of species.
WT02 is a medium-throughput sequencer that supports independent operation and flexible throughput selection. WY01 is a high-throughput sequencer with global leading performance, suitable for large genomes and complex disease research.
Huada Group has also established the "SEQ ALL Alliance" to promote industry standard setting. Simultaneously, it has launched the "Polar Exploration Plan" to explore life sciences research in extreme environments.
Huada Group has deployed over 200 patents in the nanopore sequencing field, making it the world's only company with both long-read and short-read sequencing tools.
Nanopore sequencer: A device that reads DNA sequences through nanoscale pores, capable of rapidly and accurately analyzing genomes.
Scores | Value | Explanation |
Objectivity | 6 | 内容非常客观,全面报道和深入分析。 |
Social Impact | 5 | 引发广泛社会讨论,显著影响公众意见。 |
Credibility | 6 | 不仅可信,还经过独立验证和多方确认。 |
Potential | 6 | 极高潜力,几乎必然导致重大变化或事件。 |
Practicality | 6 | 不仅实用,还广泛采用并成为行业标准。 |
Entertainment Value | 2 | 内容略显单调,但包含一些娱乐元素。 |