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The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress passed the reform of gradually delaying the statutory retirement age.

The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress has passed a decision on the gradual delay of the statutory retirement age, emphasizing the principles of "small steps adjustment, flexible implementation, classified advancement, and overall consideration." The reform aims to balance necessity, urgency, feasibility, and operability, by collecting public opinion through multiple channels and considering the needs of different groups.

"Small steps adjustment" means gradually delaying retirement, with a monthly delay of one month, maintaining a steady pace. "Flexible implementation" allows employees to choose their retirement time within the policy framework, either delaying or advancing it.

The reform also involves supporting measures in various areas such as employment, labor rights, unemployment insurance, and pension insurance, aiming to create a synergy of policies and enhance overall effectiveness.

Currently, the statutory retirement age can be conveniently checked through channels like the electronic social security card. In the future, it is necessary to strengthen publicity and interpretation, ensure smooth policy transitions, and guarantee the stable implementation of the reform.

Key Term Explanations:

  • Statutory Retirement Age: The legally stipulated age at which an individual should retire.
  • Gradual Delay: The phased and incremental delay of the retirement age.
  • Flexible Implementation: Allowing individuals to choose their retirement time within a certain range.
  • Overall Consideration: Comprehensive consideration of various factors to ensure policy coordination.

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