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TikTok Faces U.S. Appeals Court Hearing on Sell-or-Ban Law

TikTok Faces U.S. Appeals Court Hearing on Sell-or-Ban Law

TikTok faces a pivotal hearing in a U.S. appeals court to block a sell-or-ban law. The law, signed by President Biden in April, mandates ByteDance, TikTok's Chinese owner, to divest its American operations within 270 days. TikTok argues this is unconstitutional, violating 170 million users' free speech rights under the First Amendment.

The U.S. government claims TikTok poses a national security threat, potentially serving as a propaganda tool for the Chinese Communist Party. TikTok counters that divestiture is technologically, commercially, and legally unfeasible within the given timeframe.

The case is consolidated with other lawsuits challenging the sell-or-ban law, filed by TikTok users and civil rights groups. The court has been asked to rule by December 6.

The hearing occurs amid a heated presidential race. Both Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump, who initially sought to ban TikTok, now oppose such a move. China has also opposed a forced divestiture, citing technology export issues under Chinese law.

This case is a stark reminder of the intersection between technology, national security, and individual rights. The outcome will set a precedent for future regulations on foreign-owned tech companies in the U.S.

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