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Canada's Inquiry into Foreign Election Interference Enters Second Phase

The public inquiry into foreign interference in Canada's elections has entered its second phase. Headed by Justice Marie-Josée Hogue, the inquiry will focus on the federal government's current ability to protect elections from foreign meddling. Over five weeks, more than 70 witnesses, including MPs, cabinet ministers, and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, will testify.

The inquiry was sparked by media reports accusing China of interfering in the 2019 and 2021 elections. Hogue's initial report found no overall impact on election results despite possible interference in a few ridings.

This phase will examine government departments, agencies, and processes to combat foreign interference. Hogue has met with diaspora communities to gather insights on better protection measures.

The inquiry has access to intelligence reports from the National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians (NSICOP), which alleged some parliamentarians helped foreign governments. Hogue cautioned against naming these MPs due to classified information.

Despite a more charged political climate, Hogue assures the inquiry will remain independent and impartial.

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