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Google Funds Satellite Constellation for Wildfire Detection

Google's philanthropic arm has pledged $13 million to fund FireSat, a satellite constellation designed to detect wildfires. Managed by Earth Fire Alliance (EFA), FireSat will deploy over 50 small satellites in low-Earth orbit. These satellites, built by Muon Space, will use six-band multispectral infrared instruments to scan vast areas, identifying wildfires as small as 16 by 16 feet.

Google's AI will analyze satellite data, comparing current images with previous ones to confirm fire presence. The system also considers local weather and infrastructure. Initial testing involved flying sensors over controlled burns to validate the detection model.

FireSat's partners include the Environmental Defense Fund, the Moore Foundation, and the Minderoo Foundation. The constellation aims to provide rapid fire detection, with initial satellites observing every point on Earth twice daily. At full capacity, FireSat will reduce global revisit times to 20 minutes, with wildfire-prone regions monitored every nine minutes.

This initiative marks a significant step in fire management and climate action, emphasizing the need for collaboration in addressing increasingly intense and rapid wildfires.

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