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Superbugs Predicted to Cause Millions of Deaths by 2050 Due to Rising Drug Resistance

Superbugs Predicted to Cause Millions of Deaths by 2050 Due to Rising Drug Resistance

Superbugs will kill 39 million by 2050, mostly older folks. Infections once beaten by drugs now thrive.

AMR—bacteria outsmarting antibiotics—drives this. Deaths from AMR jumped from 1.14 million in 2021 to a projected 1.91 million by 2050.

Kids under 5 see fewer AMR deaths, thanks to vaccines and hygiene. But older folks? Their numbers rise. Over 70s face an 80% increase since 1990, expected to hit 146% by 2050.

Why? Age makes us vulnerable. Older bodies, more hospital visits, more infections. IV lines, chronic diseases—all fertile ground for resistant bugs.

Global leaders meet in New York to tackle this. Aim: cut AMR deaths by 10% by 2030.

The Lancet study, by the Global Research on Antimicrobial Resistance (Gram) Project, forecasts grim numbers, especially in South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa.

Prevention and better healthcare could save millions. But time’s running out. The fight against superbugs is on.

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