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NASA Awards Intuitive Machines $4.8B Contract for Lunar Communications Infrastructure

NASA aims to establish a permanent human presence on the moon. Currently, astronauts can only communicate with Earth when in direct line of sight. To overcome this, NASA is developing the Near Space Network and has awarded Intuitive Machines a contract worth up to $4.82 billion to build a satellite constellation for lunar communications.

Intuitive Machines, based in Houston, is known for its private moon landing in February, despite a rocky landing. The company offers a rideshare service to the moon but faces limitations in data transmission due to the need for direct line of sight with Earth.

The contract, with a guaranteed $150 million, could extend for ten years. This infrastructure is crucial for NASA's plans to land humans on the moon's south pole by the end of the decade, where direct communication with Earth is limited. Beyond crewed missions, the relay system will enhance uncrewed missions, enabling remote operation of rovers and improved data transmission.

This infrastructure will benefit not only NASA but also private industry, including Intuitive Machines. The company, which went public last year, relies heavily on government contracts and saw a 130% increase in revenue in the second quarter of this year, reaching $41.4 million.

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