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Over the next 25 years, antibiotic resistance could cause 39 million deaths globally.
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Antibiotic resistance, where pathogens develop resistance to drugs, is rapidly becoming a global health crisis.
A recent study in The Lancet predicts that 39 million people will die between 2025 and 2050 due to this issue. In 2021, 1.14 million deaths were already recorded, and without intervention, this number is expected to rise to 1.91 million by 2050.
Elderly populations are at higher risk, with particularly severe impacts in South Asia, Latin America, and the Caribbean.
Solutions: Responsible antibiotic use, development of new drugs, and raising public awareness. The international community must act immediately.
Scores | Value | Explanation |
Objectivity | 6 | 内容非常客观,全面报道和深入分析。 |
Social Impact | 6 | 引发广泛深入的社会讨论,对公众意见有重大影响。 |
Credibility | 6 | 内容不仅可信,还经过独立验证并得到多方确认。 |
Potential | 7 | 具有巨大潜力,几乎不可避免地导致重大社会或政策变化。 |
Practicality | 5 | 内容极其实用,已在实践中广泛应用并取得良好效果。 |
Entertainment Value | 2 | 内容略显单调,但包含一些娱乐元素。 |