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Russian Disinformation Group Fabricates Fake Kamala Harris Story

Russian Disinformation Group Fabricates Fake Kamala Harris Story

Russian disinformation group Storm-1516 fabricated a fake hit-and-run story involving Kamala Harris. They created a video, hired an actor, and spread the lie through a bogus San Francisco news site, KBSF-TV.

Microsoft identified Storm-1516 as a Kremlin-aligned troll farm. The false claim, alleging Harris left a 13-year-old girl paralyzed, went viral on social media, viewed over 2.7 million times.

This operation signals Russia's intensified efforts to influence the upcoming US presidential election. Microsoft notes Storm-1516's shift from targeting Biden to Harris after his withdrawal from the race.

Storm-1516 specializes in producing misleading videos featuring actors posing as whistleblowers or journalists. The KBSF-TV website was registered just before publishing the false story.

The US Justice Department recently charged two RT employees with money laundering for hiring an American company to produce election-influencing content.

Russia aims to deepen US political divisions and undermine support for military aid to Ukraine. Harris pledges continued support for Ukraine if elected.

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