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The General Administration of Sport of China promotes the free or low-cost opening of public sports venues.

The General Administration of Sport announced at a press conference that it will further promote the free or low-cost opening of public sports venues. This move aims to address the growing demand for sports consumption among the public and solve the issue of "hard-to-get tickets" for popular sports events.

Director Yang Xuedan pointed out that while national fitness has become a national strategy and enthusiasm for sports consumption is high, supply-demand imbalances still exist. To this end, the administration will focus on increasing supply in three areas:

  1. Facility Supply: By leveraging central budget investments and social resources, increase the construction of sports facilities and promote the free or low-cost opening of public sports venues. Additionally, encourage the intelligent upgrade of venues to improve utilization rates.

  2. Sports Product Supply: Drive the transformation and upgrading of the sports manufacturing industry, applying new technologies and materials to create smart equipment and intelligent venues. In the service sector, increase the supply of sports events and offer diverse, personalized sports services.

  3. Policy Measures Supply: Strengthen coordination with relevant departments, introduce policy measures, optimize the development environment, and stimulate market vitality.

These measures aim to meet the public's aspirations for a better life and promote the high-quality development of the sports industry.

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