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Beijing eliminates the distinction between ordinary and non-ordinary residential properties, optimizing real estate policies.

Beijing has optimized its real estate policies by eliminating the distinction between ordinary and non-ordinary residential properties. This move aims to streamline the home-buying process, provide more favorable policies, and meet residents' demand for quality housing. Additionally, the city is increasing the construction and supply of affordable housing to ensure that the rigid housing needs of the working class are met. The policy adjustments also include optimizing the rules for commercial residential land transactions, reforming the financing methods for real estate development, and revising the商品房预售制度 (pre-sale system for commercial housing).


  • Ordinary and Non-Ordinary Residential Properties: Under the original policy, residential properties were classified as ordinary or non-ordinary based on factors such as size and price, with different policy treatments. The elimination of this distinction means that all residential properties will now be subject to the same policy framework.
  • Affordable Housing: Government-provided housing options like economic适用房 (economically affordable housing) and廉租房 (low-rent housing) for low-income families, aimed at ensuring basic living needs are met.

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