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China's arable land area has increased for three consecutive years, with a net increase of 17.58 million mu.

The Ministry of Natural Resources announced that the national arable land area has increased for three consecutive years, with a net increase of 17.58 million mu. By reforming the arable land occupation and compensation balance system and implementing protection responsibility mechanisms, the trend of continuous arable land reduction has been successfully reversed. Notably, in 2023, southern provinces saw a net increase of 7.39 million mu of arable land, altering the "south reduction, north increase" situation, which is crucial for alleviating the pressure of "north grain to south" transportation.


  • Arable land occupation and compensation balance system: Refers to the requirement that when arable land is used for non-agricultural construction, an equivalent quantity and quality of arable land must be replenished.
  • North grain to south: Refers to the phenomenon of grain from the north being transported to the south, typically due to reduced arable land in the south.

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