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EU Forces Apple to Open iOS Ecosystem to Third-Party Devices and Developers

The European Commission has initiated proceedings against Apple, aiming to force the tech giant to open up its iOS ecosystem to third-party devices and developers. This move is part of the Digital Markets Act (DMA), an EU regulation designed to promote competition and ensure fair access to Big Tech platforms.

The first proceeding targets iOS's connectivity with non-Apple wearables like smartwatches and headphones. The EU wants Apple to enhance interoperability, improving features such as notifications and device pairing.

The second proceeding focuses on Apple's restrictions on third-party developers. The Commission demands that Apple make its request process for integrating features like Siri and Apple Pay more transparent and accessible.

Apple has six months to comply; failure could result in a 10 percent fine of its global annual revenue. This isn't the first time EU regulations have impacted Apple; the company was previously forced to allow third-party app stores and switch to USB-C charging cables.

While these changes initially affect EU users, broader implications for Apple's global operations are likely. The EU's push for openness and competition could set a precedent, influencing Apple's strategies worldwide.

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