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Rising Type 2 Diabetes Cases in the U.S.: A Decade-Long Trend

Rising Type 2 Diabetes Cases in the U.S.: A Decade-Long Trend

From 2012 to 2022, the number of Americans with Type 2 diabetes surged nearly 20%. Southern and Midwestern states saw the sharpest rises. Non-Hispanic Blacks and low-income groups bore the brunt. Obesity and inactivity were primary culprits.

Age, race, income, weight, and exercise all heighten diabetes risk. Georgia University found a 20% increase in Type 2 cases over the decade. Blacks were hit hardest, with 16% diagnosed. Over-65s had a 1-in-5 chance. Low-income and less-educated groups faced higher risks.

Diabetes costs the U.S. $412 billion annually. Researcher Sulakshan Neupane warns of rising future costs. Data from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, covering 400,000 people, underpins these findings.

Regional disparities exist. Arkansas, Kentucky, and Nebraska saw the steepest rises. Ten states recorded increases of 25% or more. Neupane urges policymakers to focus on these hotspots.

Obesity and inactivity boost diabetes risk. One in five obese people had diabetes in 2022. Exercise cuts risk. Neupane advises healthy eating, active living, and weight loss to mitigate risk.

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