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Tsinghua team develops new oral nanomedicine for treating ulcerative colitis.

Tsinghua team develops new oral nanomedicine for treating ulcerative colitis.

A research team from Tsinghua University has developed an oral nanomedicine that can precisely target the site of ulcerative colitis (UC), rapidly suppress inflammation, and repair the intestinal barrier. The drug utilizes nanoparticles encapsulating reactive oxygen species (ROS) scavengers and targeting molecules, fabricated through a layer-by-layer self-assembly technique. Studies have found that low molecular weight heparin can specifically target integrins on the surface of inflammatory cells, while ROS-sensitive bonds effectively clear ROS from the microenvironment, achieving dual therapeutic effects.

This "two birds with one stone" design not only enhances treatment efficacy but also reduces side effects. The research team also designed a probiotic delivery system, using biomacromolecular materials to enhance the stability of probiotics in the gastrointestinal tract and achieving efficient release in the colon through pH-responsive groups.

In the future, combining AI technology, the team plans to develop more precise drug design and optimize the delivery system, potentially offering more effective treatment options for patients with ulcerative colitis.


  • Ulcerative colitis (UC): A chronic inflammatory bowel disease.
  • Reactive oxygen species (ROS): Harmful substances produced during cellular metabolism.
  • Integrin: A protein on the cell surface involved in cell adhesion and signal transduction.
  • Probiotics: Beneficial microorganisms for the human body.

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