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Cyprus's Leadership in Solar Heating: A Sustainable Success Story

Cyprus leads the EU in solar heating, with 93.5% of households using solar thermal systems for hot water. These systems, introduced in the late 1960s, collect solar energy to replace traditional heating methods, like electricity and fossil fuels. They are cost-effective and have created jobs in manufacturing and installation.

Charalampos Theopemptou, Cyprus's first environment commissioner, pushed for mandatory solar systems in new buildings. The industry grew, with over 962,564 cubic meters of solar collectors installed. Hotels, benefiting from Cyprus's 300 days of sunshine, also adopted solar power.

Demetra Asprou, a retired engineer, highlights the efficiency and environmental benefits. A 200-liter tank can be filled with warm water in just a few hours, lasting 48 hours. Installation costs are higher but offset by EU grants, making it a financially sound choice.

Solar thermal systems: Devices that capture solar energy to heat water or air, reducing reliance on traditional energy sources.

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