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China Conducts First Public ICBM Test with Dummy Warhead

China Conducts First Public ICBM Test with Dummy Warhead

China conducted its first public test launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) on September 25, 2024. The missile, carrying a dummy warhead, was launched into the Pacific Ocean by the People’s Liberation Army Rocket Force. The Chinese defense ministry described the launch as a routine part of their annual training plan, not targeting any specific country.

China informed relevant countries in advance, though details on the missile’s path and exact landing site were not disclosed. The test aimed to assess weapon performance and troop readiness.

The PLA Rocket Force is modernizing China’s nuclear arsenal to counter U.S. missile defenses and surveillance capabilities. Some analysts believe China’s nuclear buildup exceeds a credible minimum deterrence. Beijing maintains a “no first use” policy and asserts that President Xi Jinping’s Central Military Commission is the sole nuclear command authority.

China’s nuclear arsenal currently includes over 500 warheads, with approximately 350 ICBMs. The Pentagon estimates China will have over 1,000 warheads by 2030, with many at higher readiness levels. This buildup contrasts with the U.S. and Russia, each with around 1,700 operational warheads.

Taiwan, claimed by China as its territory, has reported increased military activities by China in recent years. On the day of the ICBM test, Taiwan detected 23 Chinese military aircraft, including J-16 fighters and drones, conducting missions around the island. Taiwan’s defense ministry also noted “intensive” missile firings and drills, though specifics were not provided.

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