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The central bank's policy of lowering the reserve requirement ratio and interest rates has been implemented to support stable economic growth.

The central bank's policy of lowering the reserve requirement ratio and interest rates has been implemented to support stable economic growth.

The central bank announced a reduction in the reserve requirement ratio and interest rates, lowering the deposit reserve ratio by 0.5 percentage points and the 7-day reverse repo rate by 0.2 percentage points. This move aims to enhance the intensity of monetary policy regulation and support stable economic growth. The central bank stated it will continue to introduce incremental financial policies, strengthen departmental coordination, and promote sustained economic recovery.


  • Reserve Requirement Ratio Cut: Reduces the bank deposit reserve ratio, freeing up more funds for lending.
  • Interest Rate Cut: Lowers interest rates to encourage borrowing and investment.
  • Reverse Repo: The central bank injects short-term funds into the market to adjust liquidity.

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