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Google Rehires AI Expert Noam Shazeer for $27 Billion After Character.AI Co-Founding

Google Rehires AI Expert Noam Shazeer for $27 Billion After Character.AI Co-Founding

Noam Shazeer, a prominent AI researcher, left Google in 2021 due to frustration with the company's cautious approach to deploying AI. He co-founded Character.AI, a startup focused on advanced chatbots. Recently, Google rehired Shazeer for a staggering $27 billion, primarily to secure his expertise and the technology developed at Character.AI.

Shazeer's journey at Google was marked by significant contributions, including the foundational paper "Attention is All You Need," which laid the groundwork for generative AI. His departure stemmed from Google's reluctance to release their AI tools, despite their potential.

Character.AI quickly gained traction, becoming the second most popular AI chat tool in the U.S. behind OpenAI's ChatGPT. However, the startup faced financial pressures and ethical challenges, such as managing inappropriate user interactions.

Google's acquisition of Character.AI's technology and Shazeer's return signify a strategic shift towards more aggressive AI development. Shazeer now leads key projects, including the development of Gemini, Google's most powerful AI system.

This move underscores the high stakes in the AI race, where talent and innovation are valued at unprecedented levels. Shazeer's return is seen as a significant boost for Google's AI ambitions, potentially tipping the scales in their favor.

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