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Britain's Last Coal-Fired Power Plant Shuts Down, Marking End of an Era

Britain's Last Coal-Fired Power Plant Shuts Down, Marking End of an Era

The Ratcliffe coal-fired power plant, Britain’s last, will shut down after 57 years of operation. This marks the end of a 142-year era of coal power in the UK, beginning with the Holborn Viaduct station in 1882. The closure aligns with the government’s policy to phase out coal by 2025, a move hailed by green campaigners as a significant step in reducing carbon emissions and setting an international example.

Energy Minister Michael Shanks acknowledged the coal workers’ contribution, stating, “We owe generations a debt of gratitude.” The UK’s leadership in phasing out coal was reinforced by advancing the deadline to 2024, ahead of hosting the Cop26 climate talks in Glasgow.

Ratcliffe’s 170 staff will witness the final shutdown via a live stream in the canteen. Plant manager Peter O’Grady anticipates emotional farewells. Once employing 3,000, the workforce has dwindled as coal’s share of UK electricity fell from 80% in the 1980s to 17% in OECD countries last year.

Phil MacDonald of Ember noted the swift transition from the industrial revolution pioneer to a coal-free nation. Ed Matthew of E3G praised the UK’s leadership, while Tony Bosworth of Friends of the Earth emphasized the need for a fair transition to renewable energy.

Uniper, Ratcliffe’s owner, has supported staff transitions, with over 100 remaining for decommissioning. CEO Michael Lewis highlighted Ratcliffe’s role in UK energy security and economic growth, acknowledging its legacy while embracing cleaner energy.

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