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Milan Police Arrest 19 in Crackdown on Football Ultras with Mafia Ties

Milan Police Arrest 19 in Crackdown on Football Ultras with Mafia Ties

Milan police arrested 19 people linked to football ultras, mostly accused of mafia ties. Among them, Luca Lucci and Renato Bosetti, leaders of AC Milan and Inter Milan ultras, respectively. Lucci, previously convicted on drug charges, was seen shaking hands with Matteo Salvini, Italy’s deputy prime minister.

The investigation began after Antonio Bellocco, a powerful ’Ndrangheta member, was murdered in September. Bellocco’s close associate, Marco Ferdico, was also arrested, along with Alex Cologno and Christian Rosiello, described as rapper Fedez’s “friends and bodyguards.”

Charges include criminal conspiracy, extortion, assault, and other serious crimes. Milan prosecutor Marcello Viola called it a “complex investigation” involving various police branches. He noted illicit activities at San Siro stadium were “beyond control,” partly due to management shortcomings.

AC Milan and Inter Milan fans made a “non-belligerence” agreement in 1981 after a fan’s death. Police say the pact evolved into a profit-driven business deal, infiltrating “every possible profitable aspect of football.” Ultras are known for their organization, violence, and racism, with leaders earning thousands monthly from illegal activities.

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