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Tragic Death of Starved Infant in Kaohsiung Sparks Social Concerns

Tragic Death of Starved Infant in Kaohsiung Sparks Social Concerns

A 4-month-old girl in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, starved to death while her single mother was away for eight days. The mother, Chen, has been arrested on suspicion of murder.

Funeral worker Ah Xiu described the infant as emaciated, with an empty stomach and no waste in her body. Her tiny frame barely filled the mortuary tray. Despite their experience with death, Ah Xiu and his team wept throughout the process.

When the baby was cremated, her small, underdeveloped body left no ashes, just a puff of smoke. Ah Xiu and his team set up a makeshift altar with baby snacks and milk, hoping to ease her suffering in death.

Chen, unemployed and financially struggling, had already given up her older daughter to her mother. Her repeated pregnancies and inability to care for her children led to this tragic outcome.

Social services had visited Chen multiple times but found no immediate issues. The case highlights the challenges of identifying and supporting at-risk families.

This heartbreaking story underscores the fragility of life and the importance of effective social support systems.

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